My RB3D server and metaserver will be down during the period 2-9 June for technical maintenance.
(Well not really, I am going on vacation and need to shut down my server PC while I'm away but technical maintenance sounds better ).
Sorry for any inconvenience.
I have recently been informed that Damon Slye and a crew at Mad Otter Games are working on a new version of Red Baron. :biggrin2: They have setup an account on Kickstart to take donations for this unfunded venture that can be found here:
Welcome back!
If you can't find an RB3D disc, let me know and we'll find another way to get you up and running.
My email is csq_swordfish <at>
I just want to inform you that my Red Baron 3D web site has moved to a new address in cyberspace: Please update the favorite links and bookmarks in your internet browser.
Many thanks to RAC_Murph, who provided the earlier web space!