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RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:44 pm
by US95Pickett
S! all, I thought this map could offer us a good format with a lot of possibilities.

It will require a lot of planning regarding how to attack/defend targets; plus, the target aerodromes are large and probably can't be destroyed by a single bomber in one bombing run, multiple bombers will have to be careful they don't harden the target aerodromes.

Preliminary rules (subject to change)
1) home aerodromes will be:
a) Allied home aerodromes - 63, 104
b) German home aerodromes - 67, 105
2) no attacking the home aerodromes or planes at their home aerodromes
3) 30 minute alternating target change for target aerodromes; target aerodromes may only be attacked/destroyed within each 30 minutes for designated aerodrome targets (all 5 aerodromes will be targets during the alternating 30 minute target changes)
4) all other targets may be destroyed at any time except target aerodromes which can only be attacked/destroyed during the designated 30 minute bombing periods for the target aerodromes
5) no ditching planes, no switching aerodromes
a) you may switch aerodromes in the first five minutes of the start of the match
7) no exiting the game except from stopped position at your home aerodrome, or after you have been killed, or in the last minute of the game
a) when you exit the game, you may change planes
8) fighters and bombers are
a) Allied bombers - pup
b) German bombers - Alb D2
c) fighters are any other plane models not designated as a bomber above
9) match will run 3 hours

scoring (team with highest score wins)
target aerodromes - 75 points
railroads - 4 points
all other targets - 8 points
plane kills - 8 points
pilot deaths - minus 8 points
aa/mech deaths - minus 8 points
hardened targets - 0 points


I have a couple servers running for this format if you want to try it out (one is strictly for testing and may be rebooted more often for testing purposes).

You can download a kneeboard map (mpkbd1.bmp) for RBWar - Battle of Bethune from HERE. Unzip it to the multi folder, but be sure to save your original mpkbd1.bmp file in the multi folder first.

Any questions or suggestions, please post.

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:44 am
Looks like a challenge, Sir!. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

S! Jakoby

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:00 am
by Swordfish
S! Pickett,

I like the map and the general concept, and it would be interesting to try it out in a few "fun day" practice games (which would also allow you to get some logs to test the scoring).

However, I have a few comments about the rules:
  • Why are the target dromes alternating targets? I would prefer to have simultaneous bombing of all targets.
  • Is the plane to have the teams switch sides in the tournament like in RBWar4? If so, the selected bomber planes are OK. If not, I would like to have a 2 gun allied bomber to have firepower equal to the D2 against ground targets.
  • 8 points for plane kills/deaths is a lot. Wouldn't 5 points be enough?
S!wordfish 8-)

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:57 am
by US95Pickett
S! all, part of the rules were suggestions from Flybert and other pilots, but the rules can be changed easily to what the majority would like.

What allied plane would you want for the allied bomber, N24 maybe? We can change the bomber to what everyone would want, but it should be a lesser model than the available fighters.

I thought the alternating 30 minute bombing periods for the aerodromes would be a challenge and a change, especially since the aerodromes would be worth 75 points each. And 8 points per plane kill I thought would make it more fair for the fighters to help their respective team in scoring points. Although, looking at if from the bombers side, the ability of the bombers to score more potential points than the fighters could make up for the bombers disadvantage in fights against the fighters.

And if everyone would want to switch sides like we did in RBWar 4, we can do that too (week 1 allied team flies allied planes and week 2 allied team flies German planes, and vice-versa).

Please post a set of rules and planes that you would want for this event. I think most pilots would prefer to keep the rules as simple as possible but fair (I would anyways ;) )

And don't forget, we need pilot(s) to plan for War Forces for a long term tournament (in a different forum thread).

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:05 am
by RAC_Arnold Layne
I like the idea for the 30min limit to bomb the drome for more of a challenge and as far as switching teams back and forth from hun to allied I don't mind either way.Sounds like a fun idea...looking forward to it.

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:55 am
by US95Pickett
S! all, how about these changes as possible rules for RBWar - Battle of Bethune?
NOTE: RBWar - Battle of Bethune will not be a substitute for War Forces, we can still have a War Forces series :D

Rules will be a combination of the rules from RBWar, War Forces and suggestions of various pilots.

Preliminary rules (subject to change)

1) home aerodromes will be:
a) Allied home aerodromes - 63, 104
b) German home aerodromes - 67, 105

2) no attacking the enemy home aerodromes or planes at the enemy home aerodromes

3) all other targets may be destroyed at any time
a) there are 40 targets per side - 5 target aerodromes (the 2 home aerodromes
are not targets), 5 cities, 3 supply dumps, 7 rail yards, 17 bridges and 3 factories

4) any targets destroyed by friendly actions (friendly fire, crashing into friendly target), the target points value will automatically be awarded to the enemy team

5) fighters may only use machine gun ammo and may not strafe targets or destroy targets; bombers may use any ammo/weapons anywhere (except at enemy home aerodromes, see rule #2)

6) any targets destroyed by fighters (inadvertent fire, crashing into target, etc.), the target points value will automatically be awarded to the enemy team

7) no ditching (no intentional destruction of your plane), no switching aerodromes
a) you may switch aerodromes in the first five minutes of the start of the match

8) no exiting the match except from stopped position at your home aerodrome, or after you have been killed, or in the last minute of the game
a) when you exit the game, you may change planes

9) fighters and bombers will be those used in war forces week 4 (subject to change)
a) Allied bomber - N17
b) Allied fighters - Spad 7, N24
C) German bomber - Alb D2
D) German fighters - Alb D3, Pfalz D3

10) match will run 2 hours, starting at 3pm est and ending at 5:00pm est (9pm - 11pm Euro time)

scoring (team with highest score wins)

target aerodromes - 20 points
railroads - 4 points
all other targets - 8 points
plane kills - 5 points
pilot deaths - minus 5 points
aa/mech deaths - minus 5 points
hardened targets - 0 points

possible plane combinations for RBWar - Battle of Bethune

(bomber, scout)
Allied - Bullet; N11
German - E3; Halb D2

Allied - N11; N17, DH2
German - Halb D2; Alb D2

Allied - N11; Pup
German - Halb D2; Alb D2

Allied - N17; Spad7, N24
German - Alb D2; Alb D3, Pfalz D3

Allied - N17; Camel, Tripe
German - Abl D2; DVa, DR1

Allied - N17; Camel, Tripe
German - Alb D2; DVa, DR1

Allied - N24; Spad13, SE5a, N28, Snipe
German - Alb D3; D7, Pfalz D12

Allied - N24; all
German - Alb D3; all

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:35 am
by FogelGT
Would prefer a 3:00pm Eastern start time so not to lose a known player.

Better, this helps lessen the bomber versus fighter probability.

Possibly add what bomber and fighters may and may not do. Example, may a fighter take out machine gun nests at targets? If the fighter ends up destroying the target the points revert to the opposing side.

The above has been known to happen in previous RB matches with no way to police it. Make it legal and it becomes a fighter beware if they do it.



Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:40 am
by US95Pickett
S! all, ok, I've added the adjustments that you suggested above, but switched the time back to 2 hours duration and from 3pm est to 5pm est, this makes it 9pm to 11pm Euro time. We need to consider the time impact on our many European brothers. I realize they participated in the previous RBWar matches at the 3pm est to 5pm est (9pm to 11pm Euro time), but if that time frame is too much of a negative impact on them, I would be inclined to set the starting time earlier than 3pm est (9pm Euro) for all of them.

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:52 pm
by FegalGT
Edited by RAC Mr P

Re: RBWar - Battle of Bethune

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:32 am
by Swordfish
The latest set of preliminary rules (as posted on Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:35 am) look OK, and matches between 3:00 pm est and 5:00pm est are OK for me.

I suggest we try the concept out in a few "fun day" practice games (which would also allow the admin to get some logs to test the scoring) before we finalize the rules and embark on a new tournament.

S!wordfish 8-)

I'll be away from home on a business trip during the rest of this week, so you won't see me in the air.