Reinhardt has arrived. Sorta.

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Reinhardt has arrived. Sorta.

Post by J30<>Reinhardt »

I'm lurking, watching over things.. might try to install RB3D again and kill the HELL out of Draegon some more :)
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Re: Reinhardt has arrived. Sorta.

Post by Swordfish »

Hehe, I am sure Draegon would like that challenge. :biggrin2:

Nice to see you stopping by Reinhardt, it would be great to see some J30 pilots in Flying Coffins 3. You are very welcome!


Swordfish 8-)
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Re: Reinhardt has arrived. Sorta.

Post by RAC_Draegon »

My 'sights' always have eyes for you Reinhardt! :mad2: :biggrin2:

Good to see you lurking :wink2: , and like Swordfish said, grab some other J30's and join in. :cool2:
"Live in the Air, Die in my Fire!" ;)
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Joined: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:43 am

Re: Reinhardt has arrived. Sorta.

Post by J30<>Reinhardt »

I've alot of work ahead of me to get the game back to where it used to be on my previous comptuer in terms of eye candy before I can say that this game is still playable for me.

Got the F8 key not working issue resolved with a clean install, hope it stays that way. Had fun today too shootin the hell out of some of ya'll but I found myself trying to turn my head to move the view in the cockpit, forgot that my rudder pedals dont work and that i needed to use the twisty stick, and that I kept doing burst fire instead of long sustained shots like I used to.. And I still got three kills, and only one collision that both of us lived through.

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